C&C 27 Association Forum

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#1 Re: General discussion » What are these boats selling for? » 2007-02-09 04:50:40

Whats a good deal? Its when you think you have a good deal. Congratulations, You have a very good deal. I bought hull 182  two years ago on eBay. By the the time I got it back to Lake Superior I had more than you have paid in it. We have enjoyed her to no end. 
At nearly every anchor we are complemented on the boat. As you will find out you now own one of the very best. It is truly bullet proof. and sails to wind like no other.  Enjoy.

#2 Re: General discussion » Bimini for MK1 » 2006-12-11 06:15:19

My E-mail is d<A href="mailto:at@hydrosolutionsofduluth.com">an(at)hydrosolutionsofduluth.com</A>  Please send me your contact information. I would gladly send a mounted pic and "in the garage" shot.  I am in Duluth Minn

#3 Re: General discussion » Bimini for MK1 » 2006-12-09 07:51:29

I have one that I took off mariah when I moved her back north. The vertical upright is bent, the fabric is perfect( pacific blue). If you are interested in part or all I would give it away for the shipping.

#4 Re: General discussion » Halyard length » 2006-04-18 04:54:01

That is a great help. Thanks  "I" plus 1' should do the job for the wire. I will inquire on going to all rope, as price for all us cheapsters is a factor. Why does it feel so goode to save a buck?  I'M ALREADY SMILING

#5 Re: General discussion » Halyard length » 2006-04-17 11:16:14

I looked at the site for cajun trading. It looks like I can order rope. or complete sets. I was hoping to find details of the wire/rope halyards. If anyone has the actual dimensions I would really appreciate some feedback. Thanks for your repsonse.

#6 General discussion » Halyard length » 2006-04-16 00:40:49

Dan Larson
Replies: 5

I need help with ordering a new main sheet halyard.  I have a Mark I, it is stored many hours from me so this forum is much easier than a drive. I have been looking to find a website to help with this information search. I have an old wire to rope halyard, my notes indicate it was 3/8" but I am unsure of the wire and the length OA and of Wire.  Thanks for any help or suggestions.

#7 General discussion » Spoiled paint. » 2005-11-05 05:53:48

Dan Larson
Replies: 5

I recently had my MK I hauled from Florida to Lake Superior. I was heartbroken to see the hull and deck had black oil, soot or diesel spots covering it.  The spots were definitely from and exhaust stack.
I promptly got all geared up to scub it down.  No onboard cleaner was succesfull. I could scub through it but removed white paint and dulled the spot. It is my hope that some one has a cheap fix.
The salt water was hard on the chrome, This may be a long term project, but in both cases I look foward to the wisdom and experiences of this group. Thanks Dan

#8 General discussion » Cradle » 2005-08-11 11:26:25

Dan Larson
Replies: 1

I am looking for plans to build my own cradle for hull 182 27' Mark 1 . I have serched the the web for a set of plans. I purchased Mariah form Fla. ( no craddle ) and am shipping her back to Superior. Any help?

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